Friday, August 13, 2010

Research Course Reflection

When I look back at the discussions and assignments assigned during the course, I see that the goal of the course was for us to develop quality and transferable action research. However before we could develop a wondering or create an action plan we had to learn the meaning of action research. Action research is meant to bring about change. However in our class the term changed from action research to practitioner inquiry, which changed our focus to improving practitioner practice. The concept reminds me of a book called QBQ! The Question Behind The Question, which explains that our questions should focus on what action an individual can take to bring about change based on the current context. (Miller, 2004) The first and most important change to practitioner practice is to schedule time for improvement planning. “The initial steps in the improvement process take time, patience, thought, and reflection. Rushing through these steps can produce superficial activities, characterized by all show and no substance” (Harris, Edmonson, & Combs, 2010).

The different steps that we were supposed to take should have guided us in producing practitioner research that passes all the quality indicators. We developed wonderings that were based on real world problems. We wrote discussions that caused us to articulate our context and the significance of our inquiry. We developed an action plan and identified potential challenges to implementation. We examined four strategies to maintaining improvement. We were required to our response to the questions and provide feedback to each other on the discussion board. While some of the feedback is helpful most of the peer feedback is simply just to receive the points for discussion. The only good part about the discussion board is being able to see the thinking of others on the discussion questions. I would have preferred more discussion from the Professor on the process of developing the data action plan in his videos. Feedback on the assignments would have been helpful as I attempted to complete the next assignment.

We were encouraged to reflect each week to share what we were learning and to receive feedback from our peers.Dana states that “an unshared practitioner inquiry is like a stone lying beside the pond. Unless that inquiry is tossed into the professional conversation that contributes to the knowledge base for teaching and administration, it has little chance of creating change” (2009).

Dana, N.F. (2009). Leading with passion and knowledge: The principal as action researcher. (p. 135). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Harris, S., Edmonson, S., & Combs, J. (2009). Examining what we do to improve our schools: 9 steps from analysis to action. (p. 7). Larchmont, N.Y.: Eye on Education.

Miller, J. (2004). QBQ! The Question Behind The Question. New York, N.Y.: Putnam.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 3 Reflection

Developing an action research plan has been a challenge. After a lot of thought I finally settled on an action research question. I attended one of the weekly conferences on Thursday night and still felt lost. However, I did leave the web conference knowing that i was making it harder than it really was intended. So i sat down and started on the assignment Friday with the intention of submitting on Friday. However, I felt the completed assignment was lacking depth. I reviewed a few blogs that other students have completed and I feel as though I need more feedback on this action research assignment.

Action Research Plan - Draft

Our new principal understands that technology can be used to engage students and improve student performance. When he first arrived we had limited technology that was not being utilized. He allowed departments to order technology through the districts technology initiative. However many of the teachers were not utilizing the technology. I will research how I, as the Technology Facilitator, can support teachers in their use of technology resources and strategies to improve student engagement and learning. The target population is middle school teachers at RQMS in Dallas ISD. The sample will consist of one teacher from each of the 8 core teams on the campus. The sample represents teachers of all the students. By including a teacher from each team all the students will be impacted by the research.

A survey on their use of Technology will be conducted among all teachers in the school. Then the results will be compiled to determine the type of support that will best meet the needs of the Teachers. The eight teachers will be provided a survey to give their classes on the use of Technology in the class. The Teachers will be provided professional Development and ongoing support to develop lessons that incorporate technology. After a period of time the teachers will issue another survey to their students on the use of technology in the classroom. Teachers will also complete a survey about their confidence in using technology in the classroom.

Action Plan (Initial Draft)

Goal: I will research how I, as the Technology Facilitator, can support teachers in their use of technology resources and strategies to improve student engagement and learning.

Action Step(s)

Person(s) Responsible






Survey all teachers in the school

Technology Facilitator will ensure all teachers complete the survey

August 18, 2010 – August 23, 2010


Online survey

Once the Facilitator verifies online that all teachers have completed the survey

Compile the survey results to determine the type of support that will best meet the needs of the Teachers.

Technology Facilitator

August 30, 2010 –

September 3, 2010

Survey Results



The Technology Facilitator has the raw data in a useable format that summaries the results

Meet with the 8 chosen teachers to review the process for the research.

Technology Facilitator

September 17, 2010

In one of the Teachers classrooms.

Handouts or PDF’s

Computers and Projector

The teachers have clear expectations for the research.

Survey the students of each teacher.

All 8 teachers

September 20, 2010 - September 23, 2010


The teacher will issue the survey to all their classes

Compile the survey results

Technology Facilitator

September 27, 2010 - October 1, 2010

Completed Surveys



The Technology Facilitator will compile the results in a useable format.

Develop first lesson that integrates technology.

All 8 teachers

September 27, 2010 - October 10, 2010



The Teacher completes the lesson with or without the help of the facilitator.

Observe teachers giving first lesson.

The Technology Facilitator

October 11 – 29, 2010

Rubric to evaluate use of technology and student engagement. Note Taking

The Technology Facilitator completes notes

Meet with teachers one on one as needed.

Technology Facilitator and Teachers


Notes from observation

The teacher leaves the meeting with new strategies if needed

Allow teacher to watch facilitator conduct lesson that integrates technology.

Technology Facilitator and Teacher




The teacher should have a better understanding of how technology can be integrated.

Meet with the group of teachers for feedback and to discuss concerns.

Technology Facilitator and all 8 teachers

December 6, 2010

Agreed upon protocol

Listed of needed adjustments or concerns.

Record teachers giving a lesson that integrates technology

Technology Facilitators

January 17, 2010 – February 28, 2010

Video Camera to record lesson

Video of the lesson

Survey teachers

Technology facilitators

March 7, 2010 – March 11, 2010

The 8 teachers will complete the survey

Eight completed surveys

Survey the students of each teacher.

All 8 teachers

March 7, 2010 – March 11, 2010


The teacher will issue the survey to all their classes

Compile Results

Technology Facilitator

March 14, 2010 – April 29, 2010

All Completed survey results


The Technology Facilitator will compile the results to be presented to the principal.